
Mid-Season Report

Crops are progressing nicely.  After the first round of planting in April, we finished planting all of the rest of the crops by the end of May.  We even had our very first harvest of triticale at the end of May. 10 candid observations/lessons from our first spring/early summer season:  18 crops may be too […]

Early season crop growth (What to look for at Clearview Farm)

Oats approximately two weeks after planting

We have crops at many stages right now at Clearview Farm. We have two crops, wheat and triticale, which were planted last fall and are nearing their reproductive stages in the plant cycle. We expect to harvest the triticale as a forage for cattle later this month or in early June. Wheat harvest should occur […]

Pondering About Planting

The importance of planting is inarguable in any farming operation– it is an essential undertaking to growing a crop. As spring approaches, farmers are eager to get their crops in the ground. However, they are also committed to selecting the appropriate timing, ensuring crop and soil health. How do farmers know when it is the […]

Wheat and Triticale – An Early Spring Marvel

What is forming that rich green carpet at Clearview Farm? How did it turn green before the last snowdrift had even melted away? The vibrant green color observed in early spring at Clearview Farm is our wheat and triticale crops. Wheat is one of the world’s most prominent cereal grains, and triticale is a hybrid […]

Welcome to Clearview Farm!

Clearview Farm

This project has captured our imagination and excitement. We sincerely hope that it will be a place for people of all ages to enjoy, learn and imagine. Please watch as we unveil a season of colors through interesting and unique crops.