Click crop names for more information.
Crops for 2025:

Alfalfa is a perennial forage crop grown across the U.S. that can be harvested multiple times in one year.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Barley is one of the most highly adaptable cereal grains as a cool-season, early maturing crop. Belonging to the grass family, barley grows between two and four feet tall.
Grown In: 2022

Broom corn is a type of sorghum that grows 6'-15' tall and is harvested based on when the “brush” or tassel is best for making brooms.
Grown In: 2022

Buckwheat is a food crop similar to a cereal grain (like wheat and oats) that grows 2-4 feet tall and has abundant white flowers.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Canola is a member of the mustard family and grows a yellow, flowering stem that is 4-5 feet tall.
Grown In: 2021

Field corn is a member of the grass family, grows 5-12 feet tall. Each plant produces kernels that are filled with starch and have a hard shell.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Flax is a fiber and oilseed crop in which oil is extracted from flax seeds and fibers are extracted from flax stems.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Gourds are a fruit with a hard-shell that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Although its leaves can be eaten, horseradish has been cultivated since ancient times for its large, white, tapered root.

Indian corn is characterized by multi-color kernels that can be yellow, white, purple, red, and blue.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Oats are a cereal crop that belong to the grass family.·Oats grow quickly and they grow well in poor soil condition.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Pearl Millet is a grass that grows 4-5 feet tall and produces seeds on a spike that looks similar to a cattail.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Popcorn is a member of the grass family whose hard kernels can be popped when heated.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2024

Poppies, cherished for their vibrant blooms and delicate petals, grace gardens with their stunning beauty.
Grown In: 2024

Quinoa is a South American staple crop that produces seeds which are small and edible.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Red clover is a member of the legume family, grows one to two feet tall, and produces dark green foliage with small purple flowers.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2024

In the Midwest, rye is primarily grown as a grain but occasionally for hay or pasture. The plant is similar in appearance to that of wheat and barley.
Grown In: 2022, 2024

Safflower is a thistle-like plant containing one to five yellow-orange flower heads per branch.
Grown In: 2022

Sorghum, also known as Milo, is a cereal grain plant with seeds that have high carbohydrate content.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

Soybeans are part of the legume family, grow in a pod, and are high in protein.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Sunflowers are an oil crop that is highly regarded for its ornamental value.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Sweet corn is the kind of corn consumed by humans as corn on the cob, canned corn, frozen corn, and other corn products.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye, and, as a result, it assumes many of those crops’ qualities.
Grown In: 2021

Wheat is a cereal crop that belongs to the grass family and is a notable staple crop around the world.
Grown In: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

White corn, a member of the grass family, is characterized by ears of corn containing kernels that are white in color.
Grown In: 2021, 2022

The fan-favorite sunflower maze is open in Champaign, Illinois for everyone in the community to enjoy! This article contains everything you need to know to plan your visit. Important Information to Know: HOURS Clearview Farm is open seven days a week from dawn to dusk. Come when convenient for you! COST There is no cost […]
Harvesting Crops, Harvesting Memories (December 7, 2023)
Harvesting Crops, Harvesting Memories As November fades away, so does the bustling activity of crop harvests. Still, December brings a new type of harvest– a harvest of memories cultivated throughout the year. In celebration of these two annual milestones, we’ve compiled a collection of crop and memory harvests from 2023. Harvests of Crops (click […]
Clearview Farm and Carle’s Community Health Initiatives partners to bring sweet corn to the community (November 15, 2023)

By: Jonathan Woods, Carle Community Health Initiatives Each year Carle’s Community Health Initiatives (CHI) partners with Clearview Farm to harvest sweet corn and distribute it on the Mobile Market. Team members from Carle as well as volunteers for Clearview Farm join in picking sweet corn by the trailer load to distribute the golden Midwest treat […]
Back to School Field Trips: An Educational Adventure at Clearview Farm (October 2, 2023)

“Back to school” takes on a unique meaning at Clearview Farm– school field trips! As a supplement to classroom learning, we host student groups for educational adventures and tours at Clearview Farm. Already this fall, Clearview Farm has hosted several tour-style field trips, offering students a firsthand experience in the world of agriculture and science.
The Power of Community: Illinois-Shaped Pollinator Garden Planting (September 28, 2023)

Clearview Farm’s Illinois-shaped native pollinator garden is a garden project showcasing native plants, which are beneficial to pollinators. This unique site consists of almost 1,000 native plants throughout 5,500 square feet of garden space. These specially selected native plants support pollinators, and their curation provides pollinators with blooms during the entire growing season. The garden also features river rock channels mirroring Illinois’ river routes that carry water throughout the garden’s regions.
Everything you need to know about the Sunflowers! (August 1, 2023)

The fan-favorite sunflower maze is open in Champaign, Illinois for everyone in the community to enjoy! This year’s maze is in support of Eastern Illinois Foodbank– even the design! This year’s design incorporates two logos: Eastern Illinois Foodbank and sunflower maze sponsor, Hickory Point Bank.
Clearview Farm partners with Hickory Point Bank and Eastern Illinois Foodbank (July 25, 2023)

We are thrilled to share that this year’s sunflower maze is dedicated to supporting Eastern Illinois Foodbank.
When will the sunflowers bloom? Unraveling the Magic of Nature (July 21, 2023)

Are you curious when the sunflowers will bloom? So are we! The majestic sunflowers certainly have a way of holding us all in anticipation of their debut. While experience is writing us a book of clues, predicting the precise moment when sunflowers will bloom is no easy feat.
Pollinator Garden coming to Clearview Farm (July 10, 2023)

Coming to Clearview Farm in Fall 2023… a Native Pollinator Garden shaped like the heartland we call home, Illinois! With over 900 plants comprised of 20+ native species, this garden is a pollinator’s dream come true. Winding river rock channels will mirror the river routes of Illinois as they carry water throughout this living Illinois landscape.
What are we growing this year at Clearview Farm? (April 11, 2023)

Clearview Farm is pleased to present our crop map for the 2023 season! Highlights for the farm this year are, of course, the usual sunflowers and associated walking maze (this year’s design will be revealed at a later date), sweet corn, wheat, field corn, and soybeans.